Monday, March 14, 2011

Pernah Baca??


at least once a month you alls mesti pergi shopping kan? Tak kisahla shopping barang2 keperluan ke, barang2 harian ke, barang2 makanan ke & etc....

Tapi tiap2 kali pergi shopping tu kan, pernah tak baca 'something' yang kat belakang food packages tuh?( What is 'something'? Make it clear please!!)
I mean nutrition label information or nutrition facts panel.Pernah tak belek2 ke, tengok2 ke benda alah ni? taukah akan kewujudan benda ini??perasan tak?? Tak perasan???Haa lepas ni,bila g beli ape2 makanan or minuman, boleh intai2 sikit ok?;)

Read me pls;)

Actually, this thing can help you to have a better informed choices about the foods that you want to buy..Yes! It's true.Many research have been done to prove this..Tak caye?Ce try!2x~

At least bila kita membeli-belah tu kan, we get benefits from that.Not just to fullfil your satiety and your hungry..but we will also gain knowledge!;)

It's also can help you consumers in avoiding contents or ingredients that you are allergic to..such as lactose, gluten and etc. Of course this will prevent any further health complication.So tak de la yang bengkak sana bengkak sini..Jadi, bacalah food label;)
Tak rugi apa2 pun bila baca ini..Membaca jambatan ilmu~

For your information, mostly the first ingredient listed in the ingredients list contributes to the main ingredient for that product..Do you get what i mean??Ok, like this,for example if sugar is the first ingredients listed in the ingredients list, it is mean that sugar is the main ingredients in that product. If we're already know the main content is sugar, so avoid it!It is not good for our health.Have a look at Malaysia Food pyramid=)Yes, you can take sugar but please take it sparingly...Same goes with sodium.. If we're already know that the foods higher in sodium content, so avoid it. Masin2 and manis2 sangat tak elok kan? Cegah sebelum kena=)
Do you get what I mean?Bersederhana itu lebih baik=) setuju?

Mesti tau!!(Untuk lebih jelas,klik sini)

Besides, if kite da tau foods tu ada cholesterol, so ape nak buat?Jangan amik or amik??Haa...
Try to avoid..(It is associated with chronic disease,Pennington, 1997)
Mula2 mungkin tak biasa kan, lama2 Insya Allah.It's worth it.For your own health.Kite and siapa2 pun kalau boleh nak hidup lama kan, and kalau boleh biarlah with the highest quality of life. (By the will of Allah,insya Allah..pray for that) Jangan susahkan orang lain and sebaik2 manusia tu yang memberi manfaat kepada orang lain..=))

Jom kita sama2 membina kehidupan ke arah yang lebih sihat!!!

P/s:mood tengah wat literature review.mencari idea~
: Entry ini untuk diri sendiri dan kawan2 yang saya sayangi=))